When Brillianze Sweden AB, who has developed the unique rollator fall prevention technology RolloGuard®, now enters a market phase, the board is upgraded. The new Chairman of the Board will be the former regional councilor and chairman of the regional board in Skåne, Pia Kinhult.
I directly became interested in the company when I tried a rollator with the new RolloGuard fall prevention. The potential to improve the lives of many older people, and people with disabilities is very large. Not only by limiting the number of fall accidents, but also by creating safer mobility and freedom of movement for those who are dependent on a walker to move, Pia Kinhult says.
The reason why I decided to join an innovation company as Brillianze, is the huge international potential I see in improving an invention that has already done so much good for those with mobility difficulties.

Brillianze Sweden AB with its subsidiary RolloGuard AB is entering a very interesting growth phase with a lot of potential, not only in the fall prevention area, but also in many other application areas where controlling motion is important.
We are honored to have such an experienced and well connected Chairman of the Board, and could not have asked for a better fit for this position, says Patrik Zander, co-founder and CEO of Brillianze Sweden AB and RolloGuard AB.
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